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Download Buku Tematik Kelas 5 Revisi 2018 PDF: Panduan Guru dan Siswa

Download Buku Tematik Kelas 5 Revisi 2018 PDF: A Guide for Students and Teachers

If you are a student or a teacher of grade 5 in Indonesia, you might be interested in downloading buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf. Buku tematik is a thematic learning textbook that integrates various subjects and topics into one theme. It is designed to help students develop their knowledge, skills, and values in a holistic, meaningful, and authentic way. Buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 is the latest edition of buku tematik for grade 5 that has been revised and updated according to the curriculum standards and the needs of the learners.

download buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf

In this article, we will explain what buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf is, how to download it, and how to use it. We will also provide some tips and tricks to make your downloading and using experience easier and more enjoyable. By the end of this article, you will be able to download and use buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf with confidence and convenience.

What is Buku Tematik Kelas 5 Revisi 2018 PDF?

Buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf is a digital version of buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018, which is a printed textbook for grade 5 students in Indonesia. Buku tematik means thematic book, which means that it covers various subjects and topics under one theme. For example, one theme might be "Organ Gerak Manusia dan Hewan" (Human and Animal Locomotion Organs), which includes subjects such as science, social studies, math, language, art, health, and religion.

The definition and purpose of buku tematik

Buku tematik is a form of integrated learning that combines concepts from different subjects or fields of study into one theme or topic. It allows students to learn actively, creatively, challengingly, and meaningfully. It also encourages them to think critically based on noble values. Buku tematik is based on the principles of thematic learning, which are:

  • Relevance: The theme or topic should be relevant to the students' interests, needs, and experiences.

  • Integration: The theme or topic should integrate concepts from different subjects or fields of study.

  • Exploration: The theme or topic should allow students to explore various aspects and perspectives of the theme or topic.

  • Collaboration: The theme or topic should foster collaboration among students and teachers.

  • Reflection: The theme or topic should encourage students to reflect on their learning process and outcomes.

Buku tematik aims to help students achieve the following competencies:

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  • Spiritual competence: The ability to develop a positive attitude and behavior based on religious values.

  • Social competence: The ability to interact and communicate effectively and respectfully with others in various social contexts.

  • Knowledge competence: The ability to acquire, understand, and apply knowledge from various sources and disciplines.

  • Skills competence: The ability to perform various skills, such as cognitive, psychomotor, and affective skills, in solving problems and creating products.

The features and benefits of buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018

Buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 is the latest edition of buku tematik for grade 5 that has been revised and updated according to the curriculum standards and the needs of the learners. It has the following features and benefits:

It covers six themes for grade 5, which are:

  • "Organ Gerak Manusia dan Hewan" (Human and Animal Locomotion Organs)

  • "Ekosistem" (Ecosystem)

  • "Bangga sebagai Bangsa Indonesia" (Proud as an Indonesian Nation)

  • "Pancasila sebagai Ideologi Bangsa" (Pancasila as the Ideology of the Nation)

  • "Perkembangan Teknologi Komunikasi dan Informasi" (The Development of Communication and Information Technology)

  • "Budaya Daerah sebagai Warisan Bangsa" (Regional Culture as the Nation's Heritage)

  • It provides various learning activities that are engaging, interactive, and collaborative. It also includes assessments, enrichment, remedial, and reflection activities.

  • It uses colorful illustrations, photos, diagrams, tables, charts, maps, and icons to support the learning process. It also provides QR codes that link to online resources, such as videos, animations, games, quizzes, and simulations.

  • It offers a digital version in PDF format that can be downloaded for free from various sources. It can be accessed anytime and anywhere using a computer, tablet, or smartphone. It can also be printed or shared with others.

Buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf can help students and teachers achieve the following benefits:

  • It can enhance students' motivation, interest, and curiosity in learning.

  • It can improve students' understanding and retention of the concepts and skills learned.

  • It can develop students' critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities.

  • It can foster students' values, attitudes, and character development.

  • It can facilitate teachers' planning, implementation, and evaluation of the learning process.

  • It can save teachers' time, money, and energy in preparing and delivering the learning materials.

How to Download Buku Tematik Kelas 5 Revisi 2018 PDF?

If you want to download buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf for free, you need to follow some steps. You also need to be careful about some tips and tricks to avoid any problems or risks. Here are some steps and tips for downloading buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf:

The steps to download buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf from various sources

You can download buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf from various sources on the internet. Some of the sources are official websites of the government or educational institutions. Some of them are unofficial websites or blogs that share the files. Here are some examples of the sources:


Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Ministry of Education and Culture) is the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture that provides various educational resources, including buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf. You can search for the book by title, theme, or subject. You can also download the book by clicking on the download icon.

Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (National Education Standards Agency) is the official website of the National Education Standards Agency that regulates and monitors the quality of education in Indonesia. It also provides buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf as a reference for teachers and students. You can find the book under the menu "Buku Sekolah Elektronik". You can also download the book by clicking on the download link.

Buku Sekolah Elektronik (Electronic School Book) is an unofficial website that shares various electronic school books, including buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf. You can browse the book by category, grade, or theme. You can also download the book by clicking on the download button.

Buku Guru dan Siswa (Teacher and Student Book) is another unofficial website that shares various teacher and student books, including buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf. You can search for the book by keyword, grade, or subject. You can also download the book by clicking on the download link.

To download buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf from any of these sources, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open your browser and go to the URL of the source you want to use.

  • Find the book you want to download by using the search or browse features of the website.

  • Click on the book title or image to open the book page.

  • Click on the download icon, button, or link to start downloading the book file.

  • Choose a location on your device where you want to save the file and click save.

  • Wait for the download to finish and check if the file is complete and readable.

The tips and tricks to download buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf safely and quickly

Downloading buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf from various sources can be easy and convenient, but it can also pose some problems or risks. Here are some tips and tricks to avoid or overcome them:

  • Make sure you have a stable and fast internet connection to avoid interruption or delay in downloading.

  • Make sure you have enough storage space on your device to accommodate the file size of the book. The average file size of buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf is about 20 MB per theme.

  • Make sure you have a compatible software or application to open and view PDF files on your device. Some examples are Adobe Acrobat Reader, Google PDF Viewer, or Microsoft Edge.

  • Make sure you scan the file for viruses or malware before opening it. You can use an antivirus software or an online scanner tool to do this.

  • Make sure you download the file from a reliable and trustworthy source. You can check the reputation and reviews of the website before using it. You can also use a VPN service or a proxy server to protect your privacy and security.

  • Make sure you respect the intellectual property rights of the authors and publishers of the book. You can use the book for personal or educational purposes only. You should not copy, distribute, or sell the book without permission.

How to Use Buku Tematik Kelas 5 Revisi 2018 PDF?

After downloading buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf, you can use it for various purposes. You can use it as a learning material, a reference source, or a teaching tool. Here are some ways to use buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf:

The ways to open and view buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf files

You can open and view buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 201 8 pdf files using any software or application that can read PDF files, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, Google PDF Viewer, or Microsoft Edge. You can also use an online PDF reader tool, such as PDFescape, PDF Candy, or Soda PDF. To open and view buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf files, you need to follow these steps:

  • Locate the file on your device or online.

  • Double-click on the file or right-click and choose open with.

  • Select the software or application that you want to use to open the file.

  • Wait for the file to load and display on your screen.

  • Use the navigation tools, such as zoom, scroll, or search, to view the file as you wish.

You can also open and view buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf files using QR codes. QR codes are square-shaped barcodes that contain information, such as URLs, text, or images. You can scan QR codes using a camera or a scanner app on your device. Buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf files have QR codes that link to online resources, such as videos, animations, games, quizzes, and simulations. To open and view buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf files using QR codes, you need to follow these steps:

  • Find the QR code on the book page that you want to access.

  • Open the camera or scanner app on your device and point it at the QR code.

  • Wait for the app to scan and recognize the QR code.

  • Tap on the link that appears on your screen to open the online resource.

  • Enjoy the online resource as part of your learning experience.

The methods to annotate and edit buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf files

You can also annotate and edit buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf files using various tools and features. Annotating means adding notes, comments, highlights, or marks to the file. Editing means changing, deleting, or adding text, images, or shapes to the file. You can annotate and edit buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf files for various purposes, such as taking notes, giving feedback, making corrections, or creating new content. Here are some methods to annotate and edit buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf files:

  • You can use a software or application that has annotation and editing features, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, Google PDF Viewer, or Microsoft Edge. You can use the tools and options available on the software or application to annotate and edit the file as you wish.

  • You can use an online PDF annotation and editing tool, such as PDFescape, PDF Candy, or Soda PDF. You can upload the file to the website and use the tools and options available on the website to annotate and edit the file as you wish.

  • You can use a stylus pen or a finger to annotate and edit the file on your device. You can use a software or application that supports touch input, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, Google PDF Viewer, or Microsoft Edge. You can use gestures and commands to annotate and edit the file as you wish.

To annotate and edit buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf files using any of these methods, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open the file using the software, application, or website that you want to use.

  • Select the tool or option that you want to use to annotate or edit the file.

  • Apply the annotation or editing action to the file as you wish.

  • Save or download the annotated or edited file to your device or online.


Buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf is a great resource for students and teachers of grade 5 in Indonesia. It is a thematic learning textbook that integrates various subjects and topics into one theme. It is designed to help students develop their knowledge, skills, and values in a holistic, meaningful, and authentic way. It is also revised and updated according to the curriculum standards and the needs of the learners.

You can download buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf for free from various sources on the internet. You can also use it for various purposes, such as learning material , reference source, or teaching tool. You can also open, view, annotate, and edit the file using various tools and features. However, you need to follow some steps and tips to download and use the file safely and quickly.

We hope this article has helped you understand what buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf is, how to download it, and how to use it. We also hope you enjoy learning with buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf and achieve your learning goals. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us or leave a comment below. Thank you for reading and happy learning!


What is the difference between buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 and buku tematik kelas 5 kurikulum 2013?

Buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 is the revised and updated version of buku tematik kelas 5 kurikulum 2013. It has some differences in terms of content, layout, design, and features. Some of the differences are:

  • Buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 has six themes, while buku tematik kelas 5 kurikulum 2013 has eight themes.

  • Buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 has more colorful and attractive illustrations, photos, diagrams, tables, charts, maps, and icons than buku tematik kelas 5 kurikulum 2013.

  • Buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 has QR codes that link to online resources, such as videos, animations, games, quizzes, and simulations, while buku tematik kelas 5 kurikulum 2013 does not have them.

  • Buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 has more varied and interactive learning activities than buku tematik kelas 5 kurikulum 2013.

  • Buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 has more comprehensive and updated information than buku tematik kelas 5 kurikulum 2013.

How many themes are there in buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018?

There are six themes in buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018. They are:

  • "Organ Gerak Manusia dan Hewan" (Human and Animal Locomotion Organs)

  • "Ekosistem" (Ecosystem)

  • "Bangga sebagai Bangsa Indonesia" (Proud as an Indonesian Nation)

  • "Pancasila sebagai Ideologi Bangsa" (Pancasila as the Ideology of the Nation)

  • "Perkembangan Teknologi Komunikasi dan Informasi" (The Development of Communication and Information Technology)

  • "Budaya Daerah sebagai Warisan Bangsa" (Regional Culture as the Nation's Heritage)

What are the advantages of using buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 over other textbooks?

Some of the advantages of using buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 over other textbooks are:

  • It is more relevant and interesting for the students, as it relates to their real-life situations and experiences.

  • It is more integrated and holistic, as it covers various subjects and topics under one theme.

  • It is more exploratory and collaborative, as it allows students to discover and learn from various sources and perspectives.

  • It is more reflective and evaluative, as it encourages students to think critically and creatively about their learning process and outcomes.

  • It is more accessible and convenient, as it can be downloaded and used in digital or printed format.

How can I access buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 online without downloading it?

If you do not want to download buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf, you can still access it online without downloading it. You can use an online PDF viewer tool, such as PDFescape, PDF Candy, or Soda PDF. You can upload the file from the source website or enter the URL of the file. You can then view the file on your browser without downloading it. However, you may not be able to annotate or edit the file online.

How can I print or share buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf files?

If you want to print or share buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf files, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open the file using the software, application, or website that you want to use.

  • Select the print or share option from the menu or toolbar.

  • Choose the settings or preferences that you want to apply, such as paper size, orientation, quality, or destination.

  • Click on the print or share button to start the process.

You can print or share buku tematik kelas 5 revisi 2018 pdf files with anyone who has a compatible device and software. However, you should respect the intellectual property rights of the authors and publishers of the book. You should not print or share the book for commercial purposes without permission. 44f88ac181

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